Most important thing in modern conventions : the giant screen!!!
polish clarinet
JoinedPosts by polish clarinet
UK 2016 Sheffield Convention
by darkspilver inthis is actually, cinematographically, a pretty good video, certainly better then most of them anyway!.
1 to 3 july 2016 at sheffield arena, uk.
Craziest thing I've seen in field service
by Chook inworking an area in town with this brother who after knocking on door and finding no one home , he stands behind small tree and has piss on front lawn.fairdinkim.i hope they weren't peeping through binds,but then again better the piss than the shit mags we were going to leave..
polish clarinet
one day I was from door to door with an elder's son who was 15 ou 16. BEFORE knocking at the door, he saw the TV program on the door step, put it in his pocket and then knocked at the door. Nobody answered...
It was as isolated house but I really hope nobody was hidden somewhere behind the window...
what a wonderful site!
by scruffmcbuff inive been reading through this forum for a while and thought i should contribute!.
so im df, i was very involved regular pioneer for several years and i slowly started to wake up.. my exprience of leaving is horendous and contains alot of shocking (but apparently not that rare in the orgs) judicials and various encounters with the elders.. ive been out 10 years now and at 27 loving life!
running a succesful business and dont all thay materialistic stuff thata frowned apon, like providing my wife and kids with a nice car and house!
polish clarinet
I don't think I will be bored reading anything from you.
Anyone else feel guilty about bringing others into the "truth", once you have learned TTATT ?
by Dunedain ini guess this is not so much about guilt, per se, but more so if you feel an obligation to reveal what you now know about ttatt, to those who you have studied with, taught the "truth" to, and are still in the borg ?.
i am sure most of us, after learning about the evils, and lies perpetrated by this organization, must feel some sort of guilt for being the catalyst in "exposing" others to the cult.
honestly, i feel none of us should actually, feel guilty though.
polish clarinet
the one I helped to become a JW was young, and had a crazy JW mum and a quite mad and alcoholic non-JW father. Elders asked me to help him growing in the truth. I was a ministerial servant and studied with him for 3 years, brought him to the assemblies, helped him to become a publisher, to be a good speaker at the theocratic ministry school...
I succeded so well that he became an elder before he was 30 and is today the biggest fanatic 500 kilometres around.
Since he knew I married a non JW lady, he pretends he can't recognize me, or looks at me as if as was a giant alien!!!
I hope he will have a long and succesfull theocratic life...
In love with a JW girl
by rastapau inneed advise.
i was in a relation with a jw girl for almost three years(im am not jw) and we are so inlove with each other until someone saw us from her congregation and she was disfellowed and that where the oddness happened.
her family and friends are not talking to her anymore, she wants me to stop seeing and talking to her anymore not until i became a baptized jw.
polish clarinet
just two ideas for you:
1. JWs must be loyal to God, to the Governing body and to the elders... never to their wife or husband!
2. the Matrix often wins! even if it is 5, 10 or 20 years later! The Matrix (JW system) will be stronger than you!!
1999 - Pay Attention To Daniel's Prophecy!
by mildren53 ini search this book in pdf, original version non revised.
polish clarinet
you will fid everything you need.
New study - JWs by far the least educated religious group in Canada, Australia and New Zealand
by slimboyfat inthe religion of the educated classes revisited: new religions, the nonreligious, and educational levels - james r. lewis .
the measure lewis uses to compare religious groups is what percentage of members of the respective religions have graduated from college.
the findings are similar to the results of the pew survey in the united states.
polish clarinet
another question : among the college graduated witnesses, how many have used these years to learn to think by themselves? How many have taken a real benefit of this high education?
I know several young college graduated witnesses who hare absolutely uable to thing by themselves and only repeat what other (and uneducated people) have taught them!
So it's often a waste of time, for a well indocrinated witness to go to college!
Some Booklets I Request
by mildren53 inthe following booklets do also have my interest:.
1942 jehovah's witnesses - who are they - what is their work?
(32 pages).
Do a person need a college education to be a good JW
by Santa inyea i know it's not required or anything, but a lot of the people in the congregation are clearly in need of help that the elders can not give them and none of the other members seem to want to help.
so is it wrong for a person to want to get advanced social and medical training skills to help those in need?.
polish clarinet
in 2016, to be a good JW, you just need to use a tablet with the JW application, and repeat stupidly what the governing body, and the CO, and the elders, and the publications have told you many and many times.
this way, you can become an elder in 10 years maximum, even in 6 years if you're ambitious and a talented ass-kisser!
Openly converting to another religion but not disfellowshipped
by R Franz Ferdinand III inodd.... friends of mine recently became members of an evangelical church.. up until they got baptised in this church, they still were visiting the jw meetings on a regular basis.they weren't really fading in the true sense of the word.. they came out of the closet about their new conviction quite publicly and even didn't shy away from getting in debate with the elders on biblical topics.. the elders are obviously very aware about their position and as they still were attending the meetings not so long ago, they clearly can be considered as people associated with the jw organisation.. as far as i know it seems they won't get disfellowshipped.
as long my friends don't harrass fellow witnesses with their 'renegade ideas' and 'false religion', elders seem to comply and leave things as they are.. this puzzles me as defecting to babylon the great always has been one the most worst offenses a jw could possibly commit.. could this be a case of local elders interpreting/applying things their own way or is there a (new) general policy trending ?.
anyone who knows about similar cases ?.
polish clarinet
no, it is not strange at all.
when it is evident that you have left the JW religion for another, for example if you get married with a catholic office in a church, everybody in the congregation considers that you have left the faith.
if this person is not really known as a JW anymore (no meeting, no field service), it is not necessary to tell officially the congragation that this person has left his religion. The WTBTS considers that it doesn't really matter.